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Plans and Permits All Approved for St Kilda’s Latest Landmark

If you’re the type of buyer that looks at the bigger picture, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. With approved plans and permits in place for the development of a boutique apartment complex on the footsteps of Barkly St, this is your chance to leave a lasting impression on the St Kilda streetscape.

Designed by highly renowned Neil Architecture, the complex will enjoy a fantastic orientation on the North side of Charles Street and feature 15 designer apartments at the cutting edge in design and liveability, along with 11 secure car spaces. Once built, this St Kilda landmark will also stand within walking distance of the iconic Fitzroy St and Acland St strips, the St Kilda foreshore, Albert Park Lake and various transport options.

An existing block of nine apartments currently occupies the 400sqm (approx.) allotment, you could line your pocket with income from the outset until you’re ready to build!

If you’d like an Urban Wordsmith real estate copywriting expert to write engaging marketing material for your property, simply click on this link and claim your first listing free!

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